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Kids on the works of Peter Lökös (QVE)

Que Vous Ensemble

A group of elementary school students explored the exhibition "Parcours de l'Art" in Avignon (3 to 18 October 2020) and shared their experience on their website. Here's what they said about the pieces QVE had on show: The dog (kinetic sculpture, 2019), Je t'aime toujours (I still love you, installation, 2018), M&M's pain (2018), Air (sensory sculpture, 2017), TamTam (sound installation, 2019) and some of Peter Lökös's drawings.

Works in this image: The dog, Je t'aime toujours, Air, TamTam, M&M's pain and drawings.
Exhibition in Avignon, Cloître Saint Louis

There was a dog waiting for his master and he waited so much that he lost his head! Fady

The dog reminded me of a CD player. The bread did not speak for real. The chair was hot. It was a lady who grew wheat, made bread with it, then she went to see her dog, she gave him the bread and she left. The dog waited for her and she never returned. Yannis

The dog: he was sitting in front of something that looked like a spinning microwave but he had no head. It was porcelain and his heart hung on the spinning microwave tray. The meaning I imagined for it: his master is gone and he waited for him for a long, long time and finally he lost his head and his heart was hanging out. It made me think of something sad.

The chair: it was made with glass and it had a hot lamp above it and a plant had grown below the chair. It reminded me of someone who grew a plant and to make it warm he put a hot lamp over it, but so that it shouldn't get too hot she put a chair over it. It made me think of happiness and calm. Juliet

There was a dog with no head and no legs. There's a plant that grows under a chair, and over that chair there was a red, very hot lamp. There is a bread that speaks and tells us of his life. There's a boy who is sitting in a chair, making bread. He tells his dog to wait for him but he never comes back. Ilana

The master was sitting on a chair, he was old, so he died in a store. The dog was waiting for the master at the door, he waited too long for the master so he lost a paw and his head. So a member of the family, to keep the chair warm, put a plant under the chair and a lamp above the chair and he found a loaf that spoke on its own and told his life story. Norihane

I saw a dog without a head and with only one paw. I also saw a chair with a plant under it and on a bench there was a loaf of bread. It was a grain of wheat that had made a plant grow under a chair. A person sat in this chair and with the wheat that grew he made a loaf of bread. The person left, and never returned, the dog waited for his owner and eventually started to decompose. Nadège

I see a dog with no head, a chair with a plant and a loaf of bread. I think the person had gone to the market and would come home with some bread, put the bread on the table and go out for a few minutes and would say to his dog, “I'll be back." Except that she doesn't come back at all and the dog loses patience and explodes. Ernelle

This boy was reaching out to feel the heat emitted by the infra red lamp used in the work entitled "Je t'aime toujours" (I still love you) by Peter Lökös (QVE)
Kids get contemporary art

The dog was talking about moving things, the chair was talking about a person who loved another person and the person sat in the chair and after that he never saw him again. So he put a red light above the chair and a plant below and the plant grew. The dog is a very beautiful work of art which speaks of the dog who is waiting for his master who never returns. The dog asked the bread and the bread replied, “I am dead, I cannot answer you." And the dog asked the chair and the chair replied, "I'm sad, I'm waiting for my mistress." This is why I love these works. Léana



From sensory sculptures made of air or heat to interactive performances and mimes, Sète-based artists Que Vous Ensemble create with you, for you. Feel more! QVE

© QVE | 2016-2021



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