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Que Vous Ensemble

QVE: Is the future... (series)

A series of posters with a common slogan, "Is the future..." The phrasing resembles a question but comes after the semiotic sign of inquiry, playing with word order, vanishing into...

Exposed at Esba-MoCo, February 2018

Peter Lökös - Is the Future..., 2018 Series of 5 posters (no specific order), size 29.7 x 42.0cm (11.69 x 16.53 inches)  Exposed at Esba-MoCo, February 2018
Exposition view of the "Is the future" poster series

The central image of each poster attempts to capture and encompass a complete story of its own time.

While most refer to actual sociopolitical issues, they schematize and oversimplify them. Thus, these stories are reinterpreted by the viewers, according to their own understanding of patterns, colors, pictograms and signs.

One has to rely on one's own associations and culturally predetermined connotations to decipher them.

Much like modern-day algorithms define personalized online content, these posters provide but a hint of what each individual should decode according to his/her own awareness. The deliberately chosen poster form reinforces this idea, despite the fact that they are destined to be hung in an exposition space.

This leaves the (question?) pending and unresolved, similar to how we cannot really grasp the future as a statement but rather an open ended... QVE : Is the Future..., 2018 Series of 5 posters (no specific order), size 29.7 x 42.0cm (11.69 x 16.53 inches)

© A Que Vous Ensemble production. 2018.

QVE : Is the Future... (lifejacket) For Everyone? Poster, 2018 Part of a Series of 5 posters (no specific order), size 29.7 x 42.0cm (11.69 x 16.53 inches)  Exposed at Esba-MoCo, February 2018
Is the future... poster by QVE

QVE : Is the Future... (sold) For Sale? Poster, 2018 Part of a Series of 5 posters (no specific order), size 29.7 x 42.0cm (11.69 x 16.53 inches)  Exposed at Esba-MoCo, February 2018

QVE : Is the Future... (empty space) Gone? Poster, 2018 Part of a Series of 5 posters (no specific order), size 29.7 x 42.0cm (11.69 x 16.53 inches)  Exposed at Esba-MoCo, February 2018

QVE : Is the Future... (USB logo) Solidary? Poster, 2018 Part of a Series of 5 posters (no specific order), size 29.7 x 42.0cm (11.69 x 16.53 inches)  Exposed at Esba-MoCo, February 2018

QVE : Is the Future... (green explosion mushroom) Growing? Poster, 2018 Part of a Series of 5 posters (no specific order), size 29.7 x 42.0cm (11.69 x 16.53 inches)  Exposed at Esba-MoCo, February 2018



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