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QVE: Mars

Que Vous Ensemble

"Waiting for the sun" was an exhibition in which curators from the Paul Valéry University of Montpellier had chosen certain works of art from the FRAC Occitanie. The pieces chosen revolved around the utopias of the sixties, more precisely, those after May 1968.

QVE was invited to contribute their work, Mars, which reflects on a current utopia.

In our solar system, Mars is the next planet orbiting closest to Earth. Sci-fi often depicts it as a possible replacement planet for humans, in case of emergency.

But Mars is also the God of war and the Guardian of farmers. Battles often claim lots of lives, but the battlefields are quickly reconquered by freshly settled, rapidly growing and propagating plants.

We define spaces as territories, based on their frontiers. Our plates define where our territory of food begins. Our habitats, though they may be temporary and fragile, are considered sacred, safe places, illusions of a home. We leave our footprints behind and our wills (and won't's) echo our passage.

Long after humanity would have disappeared, the Planet would still reverberate our once-existence.

QVE: Mars (adaptation) at Le Lieu Multiple, Montpellier, December 2018.

By the corner of the gallery, green artificial turf with two footsteps visible below a simple white round plate. Peter Lökös - Mars (adaptation) at Le Lieu Multiple, Montpellier, December 2018.
Peter Lökös - Mars - Installation
Peter Lökös - Mars (adaptation) at Le Lieu Multiple, Montpellier, December 2018.
Detail of "Mars" by Peter Lökös
3D Sketch-up drawing of "Mars" by Peter Lökös. Installation. Artificial turf cc. 300 x 300 cm with the traces of two footsteps and a tent. A round white plate on the wall. Graffiti "We won't" on the other wall.
Peter Lökös - Mars - Conception sketch-up

QVE: Mars

Installation. Artificial turf cc. 300 x 300 cm with the traces of two footsteps and a tent. A round white plate on the wall. Graffiti on the other wall.



From sensory sculptures made of air or heat to interactive performances and mimes, Sète-based artists Que Vous Ensemble create with you, for you. Feel more! QVE

© QVE | 2016-2021



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34200 Sète, France

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